Option to use the name 'Padepokan' is from the founder anxiety related the narrowing meaning that 'Padepokan' is only seen as places to galvanize the mystical science, or just a place Quackery.
In fact, from the semantic and history point of view, "Hero's Mansion 'is a' Ndepok 'or sitting with reviewing various sciences. Javanese people
call it the 'Tukar Kawruh' or share your knowledge.
About what? About everything!
submitted by Gerishe, an expert in Javanese literature
of Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap in Amsterdam on Islamic
boarding school ‘Gebang Tinatar-Tegalsari’
are enough to give direction on this Padepokan.
There Gerishe said:
"Although Tegalsari has taught to 3000
students how to read the Quran, but on the
other hand, there are also
taught the secrets of Buddhism and Javanese
beliefs that still retained by clerics after a
transitional period of Islam in
From there, Padepokan Gebang Tinatar be
open to study various disciplines, especially science and discourse
about Javanese culture
and Sufism. Padepokan
Gebang Tinatar also
believe, that to be a benefit personal to others in this life, learn and continue
to learn about whatever is mandatory. There is nothing that is forbidden in
learning something. Due to
continued learning without limits of science and
academic disciplines, we can understand, and then
be able to give meaning in everything.
As the essentially concept
is the 'Knowledge Exchange', Padepokan Gebang
Tinatar not teach the cult of the
individual. Founder, teachers,
students and the entire school
is positioned the same. In Padepokan Gebang
Tinatar, each person
is considered to have the potential and
uniqueness of each, which if all that come
along, it will form a powerful force for better social change. Therefore, the highest level in
learning process is only known by each personal and 'Master' Indeed
'ie Allah swt.
Indeed, charging the
occult and the provision of labor
are still
being done in phases to suit
the views of teachers in viewing the ability of his students. However, in
other things teachers gain many knowledge of the student. It was then, members Padepokan 'assume
everyone is a teacher, and the universe is
the actual schools.
Assuming as above, learn, learn and keep learning whatever becomes imperative for all members of Gebang Tinatar. Because only by
continuing to learn the one person will be able to achieve spiritual degrees. This
is the purpose of learning in Padepokan Gebang Tinatar. Furthermore, for Gebang
Tinatar whose members are scattered in various parts of the archipelago, the spirituality
is seen not only as a symbol of God's
action in regard dg or non-physical, but a consciousness and realize that the
world is without limits and without positivity-academic measures. To that end, a
spiritualist is a continuous personal challenge and explore the reality of the
world that is full of meaning to reach quasi-meaning that the true meaning.
Authenticity question is the awareness of his position as a servant and as
'Khalifatullah fil Ardh'. A person who has reached the level it will always
hold tightly to the rope faith devout worship form and then apply it with care
and love for others and the universe. In a person who has attained authenticity
will always feel that he is alive not only with God, others and the universe,
but it together and fastened with three. This is what is meant by Manunggaling Kawulo Gusti to be achieved
by all members of Padepokan Gebang